Last updated: 01.07.2024

Welcome to Alfa (hereinafter referred to as the Service, we)!  Ensuring the privacy of your personal data is an important principle of our work. This policy describes how we process your personal data, what data we collect, for what purposes we use and transfer it, and also specifies your rights and your choices regarding your data.

This Privacy Policy applies to our Services regardless of where they are provided. We undertake to comply with local laws in relation to all processes described in the policy. In the event of any inconsistency between this policy and local laws, we undertake to comply with local laws to the extent of such inconsistency.

This policy is a publicly available document and is published in the public domain on the Internet at, as well as in the Mobile Application.

This policy applies to all users  of the Service , including users of  any mobile application of the Service (» Mobile Application») and any services («Services») that we provide through Mobile Applications (collectively, the «Service»), as well as when contacting us by phone, email, correspondence, social media, in person or through other means of communication. This policy does not apply to the processing of data of our employees and staff, corporate partners, contractors and subcontractors.

By downloading and installing the Mobile Application or using the Service as a whole, you unconditionally agree to the processing of your data in the manner described in this policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, you must immediately stop using the Service in any form, as well as the Mobile Application.

Personal data collected and processed by us is used solely for the purposes for which Users have provided consent.

Basic terms and definitions

In this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise stated in the text, the following terms are used:

1. «Company, We» — APPTAXI SERVICE LTD, HE 405061, registered office address Ellispontou, 5, 3100, Limassol, CyprusCY55 0050 0241 0002 4101 9036 4401, Hellenic Bank, SWIFT HEBACY2N, represented by Agis Aslanidis.

2. “Application, Mobile Application” – an integral part of the Service, a mobile application for the Android and IOS operating systems, posted in the Google Play application stores under the name “Alfa”, developer name “Apimarket OU” and AppStore under the name “Alfa: Taxi in Cyprus”, developer name “AGIS ASLANIDIS”.

3. Service — an intellectual property object consisting of a software package for a computer for automating the taxi service «Alfa«, a Mobile Application, as well as a whole set of related products, including an application for Contractors, Customers, a set of auxiliary services developed on the basis of a software package for automating the delivery service from stores, cafes and restaurants » «, owned by IP Kazantsev M.A., OGRNIP 317183200003770.

4. «Personal data» — any information related directly or indirectly to the User and/or third parties, information about whom is provided by the User using the Service.

5. «User of the Mobile Application, Service / User»  — any individual or legal entity, or sole proprietor using the Service/Mobile Application in any volume and with whom the Company has concluded an Agreement. Persons providing taxi services, delivery from cafes, restaurants, shops to Users are referred to as «Contractors». Persons ordering a taxi, ordering goods, ready meals from restaurants, cafes and shops are referred to as «Customers».

6. “Agreement”  – any agreement and/or contract, including a license agreement, concluded with the User, information about which is available in the Mobile Application, on the Website.

7. All other terms and definitions found in the text of the Privacy Policy shall be interpreted in accordance with the text of the Policy, the Agreement and the legislation.

8. The headings (paragraphs) of the Privacy Policy are intended solely for the convenience of using the text of the Privacy Policy and have no literal legal meaning.

What data do we collect?

We collect three categories of data about you: data you provide to us; data we collect automatically; and data we receive from other sources .

We do not collect or process information about your racial or national origin, political opinions or membership of any political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data or data concerning your sex life.

Data you provide

  • Registration and profile data such as your name, phone number, email address, country, city, profile photo. We may collect emergency phone numbers if permitted or required by law. We may collect emergency phone numbers through the help tool —  if permitted or required by law.
  • User Content that you choose to upload while using the Services, such as comments, ratings, and reviews of other Users. 
  • Information in messages  from you, which may include chat messages we receive from you.

Data we collect automatically

  • Approximate location information . We collect User location data to provide travel, user support, security and anti-fraud purposes, and to comply with legal requirements. We collect location data (including GPS coordinates and Wi-Fi data) based on your selected Application settings, device permissions.
  • Data about the precise location  of your device when the Application is in the foreground (the Application is open and visible on the display) and when the Application is in the background (the Application is open but not visible on the display). To provide travel, customer support, for security and anti-fraud purposes, and to comply with legal requirements. We collect location data (including GPS coordinates and Wi-Fi data) based on the Application settings you select, device permissions.
  • Transaction information . We collect information about your transactions related to your use of the Services, including the type of Services requested or provided, order details, payment transaction details, date and time of service provision, payment amount, route and distance traveled, and payment method.
  • Application Usage Information . We collect information about your use of the Application, including application installation data, Application failures, and other aspects of use.
  • Message and Call Information . We provide Users with the ability to communicate with each other and with us through the Application. In order to provide this service, we receive data about the time and date of messages and calls and their content. We may also use this data to support users, ensure security, resolve disputes between users, improve the quality of our Services, and for analytical purposes (e.g. to evaluate and improve performance).
  • Device information . We collect information about the device you use to receive the Services, such as your device name, make and model, mobile operator, time zone settings, language preferences, advertising identifiers, operating system and its version, which may be used for authentication purposes.
  • Cookies, Analytics and Third-Party Technologies . We collect information using cookies, pixels, tags and similar technologies (“cookies”). Cookies are small text files that web servers place on your device. They automatically collect, measure and analyse your use of websites and apps, and identify the web pages and advertisements you click. The information we obtain through cookies helps us improve your user experience on the Service (for example, by storing your preferences) and our marketing programs. Our contractors and business partners may use this information to display advertisements on your devices based on your individual preferences and characteristics. You can delete cookies and manage your cookie preferences in your web browser settings. However, some cookies cannot be disabled because they are essential for the proper functioning of our Site.

Data we receive from other sources

  • Third Party Services . We may receive information about Users from our contractors, which include financial and marketing service providers. Please refer to the privacy policies of the relevant third parties to learn how they process your data.
  • Government agencies . We may receive information about Users from law enforcement and other government agencies within the framework of a request received from them, in the course of legal proceedings and in other cases provided by law.
  • Other Users or third parties . Sometimes Users or other persons may provide us with information about you, including through customer support or in connection with claims or disputes. We will only store and use such information if we could lawfully obtain it from you. In addition, we will take all steps reasonably justified in the circumstances to notify you of the receipt of such information.

How we use your data

We use personal information about your location with the help of an auxiliary tool — . This tool allows you to find the necessary addresses in the hint mode at your request, calculate the distance between the departure and arrival points (destination). The service does not save your data and does not collect statistics.

We use the collected personal data:

  • To enable you to use our Services:

– creating and maintaining your account, settings and preferences;

— verification of your identity;

– ensuring the possibility of providing transportation services or other services (depending on the circumstances);

– calculating prices and making payments;

– ensuring the possibility of exchanging messages between Users;

– User support;

– sending non-marketing messages about the Services;

– ensuring the availability, security and stability of our Application and Sites, diagnosing, preventing and resolving technical and service problems;

– comply with legal requirements related to the Services and how you use them.

  • To ensure the security of our Services and Users:

– prevent, detect and address fraud, unsafe or illegal activities, violations of our policies and rules;

– authentication of Users;

– protection of personal data, rights and legitimate interests of the Service and our Users.

– investigation and settlement of incidents, accidents and claims for insurance compensation.

  • To improve existing and develop new features and products:

– conducting testing, research, analysis, development and machine learning in order to improve your user experience with the Service;

– collecting feedback about your user interaction with the Service;

– development of new products, features and services.

  • To promote the Service and our services:

— send push notifications in the application;

— organize competitions, events and other promotions.

You can disable push notifications in the device settings. (See Disabling push notifications)

  • To comply with legal requirements. 

We may use your personal information to comply with applicable laws, regulations, licensing requirements and industry standards, in legal proceedings, to respond to law enforcement requests and in other cases provided by law.

  • Automated decision making.

We use personal data for automated decision making in the context of your use of the Services in order to:

– establishing contact between Users (drivers and passengers) (or other types of Users depending on the context) based on factors such as accessibility and proximity;

– determining User ratings and deactivating users with low ratings;

– detecting Users who commit fraudulent, unsafe or harmful actions;

– generating recommendations for the average price of a trip based on factors such as distance, location and time.

  • If required by law , actions based on such data processing are taken only after a decision has been made by the individual and/or an opportunity has been provided to appeal the relevant decision.

How we share your data

We understand how important it is to maintain the privacy of your personal data. In this section, we describe in what cases and to whom we share the data we receive.

  • To other Users

Certain information about Users is required to enable you to book and complete trips. In particular:

  • Driver information provided to the Passenger includes name and photo, vehicle details and photo, location before and during the trip, ratings and reviews, number of trips, contact information.
  • Information about the Passenger provided to the driver includes the last name, first name, patronymic, telephone number, photograph, location before and during the trip, ratings and reviews, number of trips, and other contact information.

We may be required to provide passengers with receipts and invoices showing information such as the place of departure and destination, total trip duration and distance traveled, total fare details, driver’s name and tax number. We also include other information on such receipts if required by law.

For the purposes of other services, we provide other Users with the information necessary to order and provide such services.

  • For contractors

We may share your personal information with our contractors for business purposes, including to:

  • processing payments and executing transactions;
  • user support and technical support;
  • cloud storage (OOO Selectel, location address: 196006, St. Petersburg, Tsvetochnaya St., Building 21, Building A);
  • content transfer, in-app messaging, in-app calling, push notifications;
  • combating fraud;
  • advertising, marketing and analytics.
  • In connection with the transfer of business

We may transfer collected data in connection with a significant corporate transaction, including a restructuring, merger, consolidation or sale of assets, in which personal data is among the transferred assets. We will use reasonable efforts to ensure that any recipient of your data treats such data in accordance with this policy.

  • For legal reasons

We may disclose your personal information where necessary for the purposes of:

  • compliance with the law, including to respond to subpoenas, court orders, requests from law enforcement or other government agencies, or claims;
  • protect the rights, interests and security of the Service, our Users or the public;
  • compliance with the requirements stipulated by licenses and permits, as well as applicable legislative and other regulatory legal acts.
  • With your consent

We may share your personal information for other purposes with your consent or at your direction.

  • After anonymization

We may transfer your data after it has been aggregated and anonymized so that it can no longer be associated with you, i.e. it ceases to be personal.

Your Rights and Your Choices

  • Accessing and changing your data.

You have the right to access, view and change your account data and other data that you have provided to us. You can do this in your account settings or by contacting support:

Sharing location information. Your device gives you the ability to control what information we collect or how we may use it. For example, you can prevent your device from sharing your location information in your device settings. However, this may affect the functionality of the Application.

Disabling push notifications. You can opt out of push notifications in your device settings. Opting out of push notifications may affect your use of the Services (for example, you will not receive a notification that your Driver has arrived for an order).

Managing Cookies. You can delete cookies and change your cookie settings in your browser. You may need to set up cookies separately for each browser and device. If you choose to delete or reject cookies, we may not be able to provide you with all of the Services you request.

  • Deleting account and data. 

You can delete your account in the Application settings or contact our support service at to delete your account or data. We may ask you to confirm account ownership and identity verification. In some cases, we will not be able to delete your account and may retain certain information for legitimate business purposes, such as completing the transaction for which we collected the personal data, recovering a debt, identifying cybersecurity threats, troubleshooting or correcting deficiencies in our Services, enforcing the right of free speech or other rights of another User, using solely for internal purposes consistent with the context in which the personal data was provided, preventing fraud, complying with legal or other regulatory requirements, and handling claims in connection with the Services. In these cases, we retain the data in a manner that prevents its use for other purposes.

  • Submitting questions or complaints .

We are ready to answer any questions you may have about this policy or how we process your data. We are also ready to consider any complaint regarding our processing of your personal data. You can contact us at: We will respond to your request in accordance with applicable law after due verification.

How we store your data

We retain your data for the period necessary to provide the Services and achieve other purposes specified in this policy.

Retention periods vary depending on the type of data and the purposes for which we use the data.

When we process your data to provide the Service, we retain the data until your account is deleted. We may retain User data after account deletion in accordance with legal or other regulatory requirements or for the reasons specified in this policy, including in the section «Account and data deletion». For example, we will retain your data if there is an outstanding debt on your account. We also retain data for the purpose of responding to any complaints regarding the Services.

How we protect your data

We take reasonable and appropriate technical, organizational and physical security measures appropriate to the nature of the personal data to protect your data from loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.

We use industry standard technologies and methods to ensure the security of user data and prevent its unauthorized use.

In particular:

– we regularly update the technical platforms on which the Services are built;

– we store user passwords in encrypted form;

– we regularly check for malicious codes;

– we use modern methods of encryption of transmitted data via the HTTPS protocol;

— other.

We regularly review our security measures to take into account new technologies and methods. However, there is no guaranteed security, either online or offline. We cannot guarantee the security of your data, including providing guaranteed protection against unauthorized access or actions by third parties. However, we take commercially reasonable measures to ensure that the level of security of your data complies with this policy and all applicable legal and other regulatory requirements. We recommend that you change your login password from time to time.

General information

Child protection. 

Our Services are intended for adults, not children. If we receive personal information from a person we know to be under 18, we will take reasonable steps to prevent any subsequent use or disclosure of such information and to delete the information we receive. If you believe that a minor has provided us with personal information, please contact us at:

Data collection by third parties

We are not responsible for the personal data practices of third parties. We do not control the third parties themselves or how they collect, use or disclose your data. This policy does not apply to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data by third parties. If you have questions about the personal data practices of a third party, please contact the relevant third party directly.


We may change this policy to reflect changes in the law or the way we provide the Services. If we change this Privacy Policy, we will notify you of such changes by updating the “Last Updated Date” at the top of this page, posting the new Privacy Policy, and providing you with the notice required by applicable law. We encourage you to periodically review this page to stay informed of our personal information practices.

By using the Service, you agree to the then current terms of this policy.

Contact Information



C 176 Joo Chiat road,

#02-02 Singapore (427447)


Please direct questions, comments and requests regarding this policy to: